Personal Loans

Apply Today For some of us money is like water slipping through our fingers. As soon as we get paid at the end of the month we pay our debt, pay our bills and buy our groceries. Sometimes, if we’re careful with our money, we get to spoil ourselves. But that happens...

Start a business

With the economy the way it is today, we’re all grateful for our jobs. Having a job means security. It gives you confidence. Know what else gives you confidence? Money in the bank. So if you have a sure thing, are you prepared to risk and/or sacrifice for something...

Hospital Cover vs Medical Aid

Bad things happen to other people. We don’t consciously think that way, but nobody really expects their health to deteriorate. No one knows if they’re going to be in an accident next week, or if they’re going to be chronically ill next month. We are healthy today, why...

Debt Review in South Africa

Debt review is a process introduced in 2007 by the National Credit Act and is aimed largely at South African consumers who are over indebted and struggling to manage their finances. Essentially, it’s a debt rehabilitation programme where a debt counsellor assesses...

Surviving on an Entry-Level Salary

Starting your first real job is exciting. What’s even better? Getting your first salary. But before you start getting ready for that shopping spree, pay your bills. Buy your groceries. Still have money left? No? Well, never mind then. Living on an entry level salary...